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Welcome to PRASTAC Professional Association for
Talent Acquisition 

PRASTAC is a not-for-profit industry association and network for & of Talent Acquisition leaders & practitioners to drive positive change for candidates & employers in the talent landscape.

Ideas Exchange

Foster sharing of ideas, best practices, solutions and perspectives and hear from TA leaders to shape the next version of TA and leading the industry and TA landscape to be future-ready.

Job interview

Skills & Capability building

Enabling TA professionals stay current, relevant and sharpen their expertise for the future of work with a breadth of events like masterclasses, webinars, certification opportunities, conferences, AMAs and more.


A think tank of TA leaders for driving thought changes for Corporate Inc. to optimise talent costs and stay competitive in the local & global market.

Balanced Objects

SFUG Lens   

A first-ever assessment of features, strengths & gaps & user reviews and comparisons across various products & solutions in the TA ecosystem to enable TA professionals make informed decisions.

Office Meeting

Policy Advocacy

A collaboration across industry professionals to find progressive solutions for a VUCA talent landscape and make representations to industry & government bodies for effective regulations and changes to policies.


Insights, perspectives, best practices from corporates for enabling TA professionals deliver superlative outcomes in their organizations. 

Who can be a member of PRASTAC?

Current & aspiring professionals, enterprises and start-ups in the Talent Acqusition ecosystem can become members. For membership details, please visit the Membership page. 

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